Paradise Regained Title Wall
Paradise Regained Title Wall
"Budgie (stuffed with J.G. Ballard's Crash)"
"Budgie (stuffed with J.G. Ballard's Crash)"

Mixed media: budgie, Crash

"'Possum on Potpourri (stuffed with To Kill a Mockingbird)
"'Possum on Potpourri (stuffed with To Kill a Mockingbird)

Mixed media: opossum, potpourri, To Kill a Mockingbird

"Doe (stuffed with 7 copies Paradise Lost, 5 copies Paradise Regained)"
"Doe (stuffed with 7 copies Paradise Lost, 5 copies Paradise Regained)"

Mixed media: Deer, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, oil on linen, plastic plants

"Pheasant (stuffed with Audobon's Birds of America)"
"Pheasant (stuffed with Audobon's Birds of America)"

Mixed media: pheasant, Birds of America

"House Mouse" (stuffed with Rudyard Kipling's The Junglebook)
"House Mouse" (stuffed with Rudyard Kipling's The Junglebook)

Mixed media: mouse, wood, Hobyahs

"Cat and 19th Century Children's Primer Bookplate" (stuffed with A Good Man is Hard to Find)
"Cat and 19th Century Children's Primer Bookplate" (stuffed with A Good Man is Hard to Find)

Mixed media: cat, wood, A Good Man is Hard to Find

"Woodchuck" (stuffed with Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau)
"Woodchuck" (stuffed with Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau)

Mixed media: woodchuck, Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau

Explanatory Text
Explanatory Text
Specimen Key and Table of Contents
Specimen Key and Table of Contents